Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Things you don't say at 38 weeks pregnant

Picture this if you can. SO it is around 10:30pm and I have just finished watching the first half of the Gator Bowl where MSU has a commanding lead. I am about to turn out the light when Joanna says to wait and let her go to the bathroom first. So she attempts to get out of the bed, I help by giving her a gentle push to help her along, and off she goes. She gets back in the bed and now we are ready to head to dreamland, no not this place.

So I turn out the light and I am saying my prayers when I hear... "OH MY GOSH... YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME!!"

Now pretend you are me and you are talking to God and your wife screams out the above phrase. What would you do?
  1. Ignore it and act like nothing is going on and try to fall asleep.
  2. Leap out of bed and grab the suitcase, throw the dog out, and crank the car.
  3. Calmly roll over and say "Is something wrong dear?"
Ok, so I did neither of the options above, however I know my pulse went out of control. So what was the big deal you say??? Well it seems that Ruth decided to put her knees in Joanna's belly and press as hard as she could to see if maybe she could just "pop" out the belly button. Needless to say that did not happen and Joanna and I talked about what you should and should not say when it is late and we are in the bed, especially at 38 weeks pregnant!!

1 comment:

Pam said...

Ruth's mother is so beautiful. God truly blessed my son and our family with Joanna!