Sunday, November 7, 2010

Week 14, here we go

So it has been a few weeks but I have been traveling and while Joanna is starting to get a little more energy, not a lot but a little she is still in bed by like 8:15pm. I have been gone since last Sunday and will leave again this Monday for the week, therefore I have to make sure she has everything we need. Her appetite is still on a roller coaster, one minute something sounds good, then moments later not so much. You name it and I have tried or have fixed it for her over the past two weeks.

Also what you have missed over the last two weeks, Joanna's pants really are not fitting anymore at all. It is bad when I see her putting on my wind pants because they are "loose" around her belly. I officially got introduced to maternity pants and I have to say they look like they feel pretty good. As long as she feels good in them, more power to her. It was interesting when she was trying them on. She and I were talking about how they feel and I simply said to make sure they were not too tight because she had a ways to go and would be growing a lot more. Well I guess I was not supposed to say anything because the "other" ladies in the dressing room decided they needed to tell Joanna everything about when they were pregnant, granted they were pregnant when the model T was built, but they felt they needed to share anyway. At that point I decided to go and sit and wait for Joanna to come out of the dressing room. All in all not a lot going on. Joanna does have a doctors appointment on Tuesday but all in all it is life as normal, or normal as normal can be right now... 

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