Friday, January 28, 2011

Test run

So this is not the week we thought we would be having, but it did give us a chance to have a "test run" to the hospital. Let me go and back fill the story for you all.

On Tuesday night Joanna was not feeling 100% and she had been having a small pain in her side. On Wednesday it seemed to get a little worse. Come Thursday morning she did not look good nor feel too hot. In fact she went to work and an hour later she called me to let me know she was back home.

I was in my sales meeting this week so I knew we would not talk much and I would not see her on Thursday until after 9pm, well that changed. During the meeting Joanna called and informed me that the pain was pretty intense and the doctor had told her to get to the ER so they could run some test. That was all I needed to hear, and out the door I went. I actually got to the hospital before Joanna. We got checked into the ER pretty quickly, but that was the only thing that was quick. After several test, discussions with the doctor and the OBGYN, they decided we would be staying the night. Now keep in mind that Joanna had not eaten since noon and it was now 9:30pm. Did I mention we were still in the ER? We did not make it to a room until after 11pm. Once in the room Joanna had a bit of mashed potatoes as well as a few bites of a biscuit, but that was it. We then attempted to go to sleep around 11:30pm.

At 1am they decided to move us from one room to another because the bathroom light was not working. Not really a problem for us since the IV machine was providing plenty of light and we could see the bathroom without an issue. However we were moving, because it was policy. I wonder where this "policy" was when we checked in? Once in the new room and asleep things seemed to calm down a bit. The OBGYN came in at 7am and checked on Joanna. After that a few more test and then about 1pm they decided that we needed to stay another night because Joanna was dehydrated still and they did not think we should be at home. So here we are, in the hospital for another night of "wonderful" sleep. She is doing better, actually looks and sounds better than before. It does appear that she has/had a GI infection, along with the stomach bug, which lead to the dehydration. Hopfully we will get the green light tomorrow morning and we will head home.

All in all Ruth is ok, in fact she is quite healthy with a 151 heartbeat and she is still quite active according to Joanna. Moral of the story is, Gatorade is your friend... 


Unknown said...

Glad all is well--that is quite a scare!
You are right Gatorade is a pregnant woman's best friend. I craved and drank it all the time and the first thing I downed after having both my kids...
Blessings & Love-- Team Williams

Pam said...

Thank you Lord for giving the doctors wisdom to treat Joanna and for healing her and taking care of Ruth!

Mary Beth said...

So glad Ruth and Joanna are both doing fine!!! Scary!