Thursday, February 10, 2011

Aren't we a pair???

Well Thursday night - what can I say. It's been one for the record books. I have been battling a sore throat for about 2 days now and I am just praying that it doesn't turn into strep throat - because that would just suck!! I mean what a way to cap off 2 weeks of sickness!! So I am now guzzling down lots of liquids (which I was doing anyway) and have become a fan of Benadryl and Tylenol!! It sucks being sick and pregnant because I can't take the things I normally would to kick this thing!! UGH Ruth better appreciate this!!

Now we were supposed to have our first baby class tonight - Breastfeeding - I am sure deep down Bryce was thrilled!! But I got home from school and took a nap and Bryce got home from work and went straight to the bathroom. So we decided to reschedule our class - which was a very smart move on our part, because not 2 hours later Bryce is throwing up his guts in the bathroom!! My poor baby has the stomach bug - which I am sure he caught from me! I just feel so bad for him. When he throws up - it is so painful to listen to! It's like his whole digestive system goes into a huge spazium. I am really surprised that he doesn't throw up blood sometimes - it's sooooo violent! So after what seemed like forever, he finally finished and says he feels better but I can tell he is exhausted and still feels pretty bad. I just want to make him better, just as I am sure he felt when I was sick!  Well that's marriage - in sickness and in health! Well i think we have the sickness thing down pat!!  I just think we both need some R & R and a long weekend to get our feet back under us!! Let's hope next week is better!!

1 comment:

daddy said...

Mike says;

What a typical woman - way too graphic!

Hope ya'll both get to feeling better soon.