Friday, February 4, 2011

"Snow" Day

Well, so much for a normal rest of the week. I only went back to work for 2 days and then the freezing rain and ice made us call it a holiday on Friday!! I guess I can't complain too much - I did enjoy the sleeping in with the rain and the breakfast Bryce made me! (He didn't have to go in to work either - ahhh so nice!!) I think puppy also enjoyed sleeping in and staying warm under his blanket - lazy dog! The all important ice was all gone by about 11:00 - the rain had washed it away so we decided to go do some shopping! It just so happened that Babies R Us had sent me some awesome coupons that had to be used this weekend - go figure! So we went to Babies R Us and loaded up on some pretty cool stuff for Ruth (spoiled child already!!) We got the changing pad and cute diaper caddy. We also had coupons for a monitor and car seat which we purchased. And they had some really good deals on diapers - which I know we will need to go ahead and buy stock in!! LOL However, the best part of this shopping spree is that it was on the house! Bryce's office had gotten together and gotten us this fabulous gift card which was put to use today!! THANK YOU SO MUCH AHT!!!  Now we are at home and about to go through all the fun stuff again and try to get her room a little more organized - we'll see how far we get! I will say that I am loving these short weeks - I think I am getting too spoiled!!

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