Thursday, March 31, 2011

Most Recent News

Well all I can say is thank goodness it's Thursday evening and all I have left is Friday of this week!! I don't think i could have made it another day - Friday is a stretch anyway! I had my 34 week check up on Wednesday. Ruth is doing fine, heartbeat was good and size was measuring on track. I am not dilated but just getting to that uncomfortable stage!! My blood pressure was up and so I was told that we were going to watch it and I am to try to take it easy. (I really just rolled my eyes thinking - Do you know what my job is and how April and May are the most stressful times for a teacher!!) We will see how far I get until she tells me I have to quit. I'd like to say I might could manage it on my own but my class this year has some doosies that just cause the blood pressure to rise!! So I just have to remember to BREATH!!! I go back in 2 weeks and then I start my weekly check-ups. It's getting closer and we are getting excited but nervous at the same time. Just can't wait to meet her.

Well last night was the frist night that we actually made out a foot sticking out of my belly - WEIRD!!! She has gotten on this schedule of being very active right as I am trying to get comfortable for bed. (Which figures!!) So we just take that time to marvel at God's work and how amazing this experience has been. However, if I could make out a body part that is a little too much for me. I preceded to try to push her foot back in which she promptly pulled back and gave me a swift hard kick! UGH girls - not even out and already testing me! Hopefully she'll grow out of this before the 2's or better yet the teenage years!

Well I have to brag on my wonderful husband!! He has been the best cook for me (which probably explains the 6 pound weight gain in 2 weeks!!) Tonight he made country fried steak, mash potatoes, butter beans, and homemade gravy!! Can we just say YUMMY!!!!! Last night was chicken and dumplings and black eyed peas!! MAN my guy can cook!! (Thanks Mrs. Pam, you raised a good one and I got lucky enough to catch him!! LOL) He is also the best support person I could have right now. He cleans and takes care of me in the best ways!! God bless my husband!!

Well, I have a shower this Saturday and I am so excited!! Can't wait to see everyone there! Blog update to follow I am sure!!

Well that's all for now so have a great Friday everyone!

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