Tuesday, December 7, 2010

And now we know!!

So today has been a great day, but I think we both need to take a day off to recover from our day off. We started the morning at the doctors office in anticipation of finding out what this baby actually is. Regardless Joanna was dressed for the occasion.
It will be a BULLDOG no matter what

 I was doing pretty good calling out the hands and feet and spinal cord, as well as the heart (We could actually see the 4 chambers, that was cool) but we never could tell the sex. After seeing the baby hiccup, yawn, as well as stretch we were still trying to answer the all important question, instead the baby showed us this.
Coming to a Christmas card near you
  Finally after a little pressing and talking to the baby, the baby finally moved the legs apart and there we could see.... nothing. At that point the nurse said it's a GIRL!! Joanna was like great I've been calling our baby a he for the past 4 months!! Oh well time to change pronouns!

It's pretty neat that the baby has a name and now that we can put the two together it is becoming a little more real. Coming May 8th, give or take a day, we will welcome Ruth Lily Hopkins to the world.

I would like to just give all the praise to God because without him none of this would be possible. He has blessed us so much more than we deserve! I am just glad that we serve a loving Father!!


J Hammer said...

YEAAAA!!!! So excited and can't wait to meet her! LOVE the name, by the way! I just KNEW it would be a girl! She is going to have lots of little boyfriends to choose from! ha!

daddy said...

Congrats, Guys - I know she already has ya'll wrapped around her little finger. Little girls really are special.

Love the t-shirt, Joanna


Unknown said...

Congratulations! Children are a gift from the Lord.
Enjoy this time as a couple though, it is fleeting precious time with just you two. I know you want her to hurry up and get here, but once she's here she's here forever! :) I know God will bless your marriage and you'll be amazing parents....just watch the OCD Bryce! :)
Love ya'll....ejw & Forrest and the boys!
PS- Our group needed a little girl for the Williams and Reese boys! :)

Unknown said...

The gift of a child is such a blessing from God. I thank Him for blessing our family. Your love of God and family will be given to Ruth and PawPaw and I will do our best to love & spoil (but not too much)her....we will be available whenever ya'll need to sleep!