Sunday, September 26, 2010

Week 8 is here and it is not so pretty

Ok so I am a guy so I don't pretend to even understand what it happening with my wife. Just when we thought we were on the way up, week 8 appears and we come crashing down. Friday night came and Joanna hit a wall around 7ish. I figured it was the week and she needed to rest so off to bed I put her. Then came Saturday, and Sunday. The lack of energy and the feeling of constant not feeling well all came back, but this time it came twice as hard. Again I cannot even fathom what she is going through but I sure do admire her. I am most grateful for friends to whom she can speak with. Let me rephrase that, I am most grateful for honest friends. Not that people are dishonest but for those that she can talk to and say "Yeah these first 13 weeks, STINK". God has put some AMAZING people in our life and I cannot tell you how glad I am for that.

We all go through things and sometime wonder why, but let me assure you the difficult time, the struggle, or whatever you are facing there is a purpose. The purpose may simply be to share your experience with someone else down the road, who is going through that same thing and they feel all alone. So again I say thank you!

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