Sunday, September 12, 2010

The world is not ready for a little Hopkins, is it??

Well on Monday September 6th, the most advance technology you can ever pee on told me we are pregnant! Holy Crap life as we know it is about to change. We have been saying this is what we want and we are ready, but we are still adjusting to the news of this. I can tell you that night neither Bryce or I got any sleep. Tuesday morning came and it felt as if we had just crawled in bed. We were both running purely on adrenaline.

I called the doctor to setup our first appointment, which of course was going to be another week away, but the sleep got better. Funny how I was not feeling bad and life was normal until Saturday morning, September 11th. I know what "morning sickness" is like, it should really be called all-day-feel-like-crap-sickness.   I am hoping the doctor can give me a magic pill and make this go away. I am tired of eating crackers that don't work. Oh well guess Monday morning is coming whether I like it or not...

1 comment:

Pam Hopkins Harris said...

I have always been a very expressive individual, but the news that Mimi & PawPaw will have grandchild # 5 was a time to scream, cry and then say "Thank you Lord for your gift". This is the first one since Ty that we will have one really close to us. We have tried to spoil Ty, Harris, Wrenn & Taylor, and will continue our tradition. What a blessing and joy that our Heavenly Father has given us!