Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Adjusting to life at home

Joanna and I have found out there are a lot of things that the hospital does not tell you with your first child. Like don't expect your child to act like they do at the hospital. In fact as soon as  you get home get ready for the crazy times to begin. Of course after the first night, and now each night that follows, we learn.

Ruth is teaching us as much as we are "trying" to teach her, and even though you think you are figuring things out, that is when she hits the reset button. While there are "tougher times" there are a lot of great times. We are trying to figure out if she is more of a wiggle worm or a tree frog.

She loves to be held close and she will sleep on your chest and draw up her legs, and sleep. It is by far one of her best places to be. She is also very much a wiggle worm, and you better watch her. She is not a week old but yet she likes to try and roll over and it is amazing how strong her legs are. Well we have had a lot of fun but each day that goes by is one closer that I have to get back to work.

Joanna is getting stronger but is still pretty sore. Each day is better for her but she knows she still has a little way to go. The good thing is that each day she sees herself getting stronger, and she is feeling better. Below are a few photos of the days at home.


Unknown said...

If she continues to love the 'hospital paci' the Soothie...I HIGHLY recommend ordering a WubNub Paci is our saving grace. Even after 14 mos. we just misplaced our first one and bought another one. It's awesome to have to keep the paci in her mouth so you aren't constantly putting it back in. The animal weighs down the paci and keeps it in their mouth in the car, in the crib, in the bouncy seat, etc. And esp. when they get older like Witt--it's easy to feel for in the crib and grab it and stick back in their mouth at night instead of you going in there to help because they can't find a paci. And road trips if they drop it it's easy for them to 'grab the animal' and pop it back you don't have to pull over and find the 'tiny' paci hiding under the seat etc.
Here's the link...
Just ask Forrest--we don't leave home with out the WubNub :)
She's precious--hope ya'll are navigating the waters and enjoying parenthood.

daddy said...

Mike says:

No mistaking her for a boy - what a cute lil' girl!