Monday, May 2, 2011

Walking and Exercise

Well no baby as of this exact moment so everyone just settle down.

It has come a routine around here to go for an afternoon walk once I get home from work. Of course this is a great form of exercise but they say this is also supposed to help the baby come quicker. Well there are other things as well like eating spicy foods, and well this other thing that I won't mention, but I am starting to think they are old wives tales. Ok so since we have been going on these walks I think the dog enjoys them more than anyone else. Well today he got an extra treat not only did we go for a walk but we then came back and played "attack of the killer bubbles!!" It's a great game, we blow bubbles and Blitz tries to eat them as fast as he can, see the photo evidence below.

1 comment:

daddy said...

Mike says;

Neat pix, Bryce. I bet that looks cool on video.